Monday, October 28, 2013

New snake- Firefly

Well, we got a new addition yesterday! Firefly male.

Here he is (on the right) next to the Female Pastel (on the left.) They are about the same age (a few months old) so you can see how she is browning out a little and he is still bright. Also, his head is way lighter than hers and he has less black on him as well. This guy is going to be paired up with my pinstripe when she comes of age and size so I can try and get some dragonflys! 

Medusa and Perseus have been locking up again too. Accidentally startled them last night because I turned the light on at them to see what they were doing in the hide and got an icky glimpse of the "lock" coming undone... Not pretty!! They are locked back up again as of lunch time today. 

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