Friday, November 22, 2013

Super sad news

The little guy we "rescued" from our friend died. :( We had gotten him to eat by force feeding a couple of times but I think he was just too far gone. Went in there last night and he was literally keeled over. I feel so bad. I wish we could have saved him. I wonder if there might have been something internally wrong with him or something. Obviously not going to be doing a necropsy on him but it would be interesting to know. Always wondering if there was something else we could have maybe done to help him. Poor little guy. RIP tiny baby.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Scale finally arrived today!

Ordered a scale (up to 11lbs/5000g) about a month ago from Hong Kong (only 6 bucks, free shipping) so I finally got to weigh my big snakes today!! My old scale only went to 500g. So heres the line up:
Medusa-1959 (empty)
Perseus- 1973 (empty)
New girl- 2035 (large rat 2 days ago)
Woo hoo! Buncha fatties I have ;)


First of all, we got some new additions. No pics yet, but we got a breeder size normal female and a 2013 pastel female for trade for labor. The large female is about 1800g and is actually really light. She bred last season with 5 eggs, but only 3 were fertile and all normal. It was her first time so hopefully this season she will have better luck. We also won a Fire male on an auction for 35 bucks but havent picked him up yet. 
Perseus is not eating. We removed him from Medusas cage but he will NOT stop searching for her! Hes getting skinny so we might have to move him to another room so he cant smell them. When I took him out for about an hour yesterday he just chilled in my lap the entire time. I tried after that to get him to eat to no avail. When I put him back in the cage he was on the hunt for the ladies. Going to keep him separate til this weekend (will be a week long break for him) and maybe weds or thurs try to feed him again. If he eats, we'll keep him out a couple more days, if not we'll stick him in with the new female. Most places Ive read online say they will refuse food when breeding and its not like hes deathly skinny, just skinnier than usual.
Medusa is in deep shed right now. She is really dark! I love when she sheds because it seems she's always prettier than the last time :) 
Princess Buttercup is really fattening up! All the 2013 females are getting fat. Some may even be ready next season, but likely not. Most likely candidates are the Pinstripe and the Pastel het Pied since we got them larger to begin with so they are older anyway. Blah blah blah! Ready to get this season in fast forward to see if/what Medusa puts out. Since both her and Perseus were random buys as pets with no consideration for genetics there may even be a little surprise. Def will get normals and pastels but a surprise would be fun! I just really hope everything goes OK with her and laying etc. Dont want to have to take her to the vet for something crazy but I will cuz shes my baby! Will add pics of the noobs later!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New snake!

Seriously, the last one for a while!!!! Great price I couldn't pass up! Male black pastel. So far, he's the biggest one of them all (of the 2013 babies anyway.)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


The little guy who wouldn't eat finally ate! We had put him with the tiniest of pinkies a few days ago and he still wouldn't eat. Over the course of several hours: Put him in a normal feeding tub-nothing. Put him in a smaller feeding tub-nothing. Put him in the smallest feeding tub available-nothing. Fed that pinkie to another snake. Waited a few days and then ended up pretty much force feeding him. Opened his little mouth up, stuck that suckers head in there and then he swallowed the rest on his own. Yay! He's not gonna die from starvation :)